cape town issue 101
Dec 2007
Viaggi International Productions
Cape Town - Photo & Film Production
After the completion of some very exotic productions on Venezuela's islands and Brazil's beaches, V.I.P. Productions' Cape Town team has been looking forward to this 2007/08 season's upcoming projects.
After welcoming regular clients Stockmann, Texmoda, Lapin House and Junior Magazine, V.I.P. was excited to work with new clients Golden Lady, and Celine. The remainder of the season is also set to be very promising, with productions both for well established and new clients already scheduled.
The reasonable Rand to Euro exchange rate and the latest cost reduction and simplification in location permitting should be good news for the current production season, certainly in terms of attracting international business into the local market.
V.I.P. Productions welcomes briefs and layouts from clients in order to submit accurate cost estimations to both regular and new customers alike.