paris issue 249
Dec 2010
5600 K° Productions
Paris - Photo Production
Client: Renault , Agency: Publicis Dialog , Photographer: Chris Frazer Smith
Client: Renault , Agency: Publicis Dialog , Photographer: Chris Frazer Smith
Client: Pelforth , Agency: Publicis Conseil , Photographer: Peter Lippmann
Client: Pelforth , Agency: Publicis Conseil , Photographer: Peter Lippmann
Client: Adidas , Agency: Fred & Farid , Photographer: Felix Larher
Client: Siemens , Agency: Publicis Dialog , Photographer: Cédric Delsaux
Client: Siemens , Agency: Publicis Dialog , Photographer: Cédric Delsaux
Client: Acadomia , Agency: Havas , Photographer: Vincent Fournier
Thanks to over 15 years of experience, 5600° K Productions is specialised in the production of advertising photography.
The company's strong and attentive team aligns technical know-how with a pronounced sense of art direction, taking care to meet the specific demands of every client.
"Our driving principle is simple: The shared satisfaction of a job agreeably finished."