barcelona issue 13
Jan 2004
La Agencia S.L
Barcelona - Hair, Makeup, Styling, Talents
We are all ready for the shows: models like Canise and Luka will be in town very soon, they didn't want to miss Barcelona Fashion Week, neither do we.
Donny, the head turning male model in the Valentino Intimate campaign, came to Barcelona to shoot the new Impetus catalogue.
Our young models: Belen, Laura Xicola & Antoinet appear in this month's You magazine fashion editorials.
Emily Wilson is in the current Pasarelas Internacionales as well as on the Inside [BCN] cover.
At the kids & people department, they are also very busy lately. Their latest jobs include clients such as: ColaCao, Dodot, Actimel, Petit Suisse, Divos, Lays, as well as Heineken & X-box.