barcelona issue 14
Feb 2004
ACEVIP - Associació Catalana Vídeo Industrial Professional
Barcelona - take offline
The Catalan Association of the Audiovisual Industry presents the ACEVIP awards 2004, which will be a fitting end for the 20 years carrier of the association:
The nominees are: Sono, Icon Animation and Ovide BS: for the New Technologies and Audio-visual creativity award.
El Terrat, Mediapro and Gestmusic: for the Best Production and Postproduction company.
Sono, for the work done for the10th FINA World Championships Barcelona,
Stereorent, for the International Film Festival of San Sebastián,
MD Comunicacion, for the Sonar Festival Barcelona: for the best Audiovisual Engineering/Installation award.
See attached the conditions to take part in the Catalonian Audiovisual Industry Celebration.