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  • Showcase Magazine



    Feb 17

    Ben Rice

    Corporate & industrial photographers

    "Manufacturing spontaneity is as difficult as it is daft, but it’s something that you have to know how to do.

    Feet are to think on, if you can’t do resourceful then you’re in the wrong job!

    A deliberate touch on an irritable chairman’s arm, apparently to remove a bit of fluff; one part reassurance, and one part letting him know who’s in charge for the next five minutes.

    I’ve accrued more air miles than suits my family, but I’ve had some incredible experiences. I’d even be prepared to repeat some of them.

    The technology may change, but my most valuable equipment is still the stuff that I was born with.

    Knowing when to stop isn’t as important as knowing when to push. You have to work on your chutzpah. If we can move the chair, why not the desk, the plant - actually that tie’s not looking too clever, is it?"

  • Spotlight Magazine

    Ben Rice


    "Manufacturing spontaneity is as difficult as it is daft, but it’s something that you have to know how to do.

    Feet are to think on, if you can’t do resourceful then you’re in the wrong job!

    A deliberate touch on an irritable chairman’s arm, apparently to remove a bit of fluff; one part reassurance, and one part letting him know who’s in charge for the next five minutes.

    I’ve accrued more air miles than suits my family, but I’ve had some incredible experiences. I’d even be prepared to repeat some of them.

    The technology may change, but my most valuable equipment is still the stuff that I was born with.

    Knowing when to stop isn’t as important as knowing when to push. You have to work on your chutzpah. If we can move the chair, why not the desk, the plant - actually that tie’s not looking too clever, is it?"