Take a look at the latest works of Stefan Sappert or contact them in Vienna directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for portrait photographers.

Based in the heart of Europe in beautiful Austria, available all over Europe, US and Asia.

Stefan is a portrait, entertainment and celebrity photographer for over a decade, he works with prestigious brands, shoots ads, campaigns, and editorials: works appear in major publications and exhibitions around the globe. 

Stefan is recognized among the 200 BEST Photographers worldwide by Lürzer's Archive twice, is a Hasselblad Certified Creative and winner of multiple photo awards.

Additional Bonus: as a master in vintage photography, Stefan is the sought-after expert to shoot handmade large format silver & glass wet-plate photos commercially.

Clients appreciate his creative inputs, the discreet approach to celebrity shoots, his reliability and the ability to work efficiently fast with a high quality output.
He is collaborative, passion driven, an out-of-the-box thinker, a teamplayer and a fun guy to work with.

Getting the perfect shot doesn't stop behind the camera: Stefan is a passionate golfer and always up for hitting the links.