With over 25 years of exerpience in Vienna, the multiple international award winning photographer Friedrich Jansenberger specialises in stills and product photography.

His desire for the perfect picture is the engine of his passion: the dogmatic reduction to the essentials for maximum effect - that is his credo.

His standards are high: he does the concepts, designs, builds, put light, color and contrast or changes the brightness with delicate nuances, until he can say: "Yes, that's it!".

So it may happen that the yield of a full working day is just one photo. However, Frederick's "models" have a distinct advantage: they do not need to rest, they don´t lose focus and also keep quiet on command.

Clients include: Eduscho/Tchibo, Kraft Foods, Julius Meinl, Campari Austria, AfriCola, Philips, Samsung, Diageo, Ottakringer BierZwettler Bier, Wiesbauer Gourmet, Billa / Penny Markt, and Nah & Frisch.