Mary Bin

Munich - Artists Management

Latest work from the Mary Bin photographers:

  • Dorothea Craven had a five-week nonstop marathon in Seville and Sicily for fashion clients Quelle, Migros and Ernstings + Partner. The productions were successfully managed by Paco Production in Seville and Luminosa, Sicily.
  • Ole Graf was busy for Heine, Frankonia, Baur and leading online magazine, for whom he completed a large proportion of fashion productions. He is currently in Cape Town shooting lifestyle images.
  • Peter Schreiber recently shot in Ibiza, Hamburg and London for Heine, Otto, G&G and the magazine MyStyle. To get away from the Christmas hype he is in Cape Town shooting new summer fashion for MyStyle.

This coming year will start as 2008 is set to end: very turbulently! Doro, Ole and Peter are already booked this spring for work in Miami, Los Angeles, Cape Town, Paris, Hamburg, London, New York and Mauritius.