Berlin - Artists Management

UPPERORANGE has been working out of Berlin since 2007. Jochen Hagelskamp, the man behind the show, has a great eye for talent. His background in film and photography combined with years of building a network in Germany and internationally has brought much success for his artists. Since 2012, he has purely focused on the placement of photographers, illustrators and 3D artists.

Latest jobs include:

  • Anthony Georgis - Labello and Coke Light.
  • Antje Merkel - IngDiba.
  • Bodo Vitus - Quality Magazine.
  • Florian Seidel - BMW and Telefonica.
  • Leopold Fiala - Munich Street Art calendar.
  • Lisa Wassmann - Ellen Allien record cover.
  • Madame Peripetie - Canon/Maison Martin Margiela.
  • Mat Neidhardt - Smart.
  • Urban Zintel - Vodafone, Opel, BMW, Stern and Zeit Wissen.
  • Van Vincent - WWF and Telecom Italia.

References include Adidas, Allianz, Asics, Audi, Burger King, Beiersdorf, BMW, Coca-Cola, IKEA, IngDIBA, Lamborghini, LBS, Levi's, Mazda, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Nike, Nissan, Philip Morris, Puma, Smart, VW, and many more.