
John Anthony Rizzo shoots for advertising, editorial and publishing clients worldwide. He lives in northern Italy but returns to Boston, Massachusetts frequently throughout the year for both advertising and Fine Art clients.

John studied Photography as a Fine Arts major and was decidedly influenced by Gary Winogrand and Robert Frank. Along the way he has received both a National Endowment for the Arts Project Grant, a Massachusetts Arts and Humanities Fellowship for Photography, and many awards from the advertising and publishing Industries.

Over the years he has shot numerous ad campaigns, magazine assignments and book projects. There have been photo shoots in Paris, Prague, Pittsburg and Portugal ("and that’s just the P's!"), and he has completed long tours through Italy and most of Europe behind the lens of his Leica.

Clients include Condé Nast, Geo, Food & Wine, Fairmont Hotels, Starwood Hotels, Chronicle Publishing, Stewart, Tabori & Chang, Sasquatch Books, Bon Appetit, Bertolli and Barilla.