Julia Fullerton-Batten continues to attract awards this year: at the Royal Photographic Society Awards, she won a Bronze to add to the Gold she won last year; the AOP awarded her a Merit; she had three images nominated in the Professional category at the International Color Awards; and an advertising commission from Paris achieved bronze at the Clio Awards in Miami. In addition, two images have been selected for American Photography 22.


In London, her solo exhibition at the Charing X Gallery continues, while her new exhibition of "outstanding figures who have shaped healthcare in the 21st century" just opened in Transept Room 40 at National Portrait Gallery (until October). The second edition of her "Teenage Stories" runs in Arles, France until 21 July. She will also be exhibiting in New Mexico.


For a more detailed profile of Julia, see articles in this month's RPS Journal and Image magazine. You can also find out more at Julia's newly designed and updated website.