"I'm very much still a food and drink photographer but increasingly I get asked to produce more and more videos as well as direct. I started off working in video so in many ways I'm coming full circle.

Featured in this Showcase is a small collection of recent videos I produced myself with my small team, under the banner of 'videography'.

The two videos for Budweiser Budvar were shot recently at their brewery in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. The idea was to project the mystique and the 'alchemy' of the business.

The video for BD Foods is a timelapse set to dramatic music. The idea was to emphasise the sheer bloody hard work it takes to continuously produce high quality food accompaniments. Sounds very boring but I think you'll find the video interesting.

"The Cocktail Bar" was for World Duty Free, shot on location at Home House here in London. The final video was for 'Baker of the Year' Dan DeGustibus. His enthusiasm and passion for his business is unparalleled and we hope it shows in our video."