Welcome to the latest issue of Showcase London, brought to you by Production Paradise. This issue features some of the leading production companies, photographers' agents, rental studios, photographers, stylitsts and handmade portfolio-makers, currently working out of London.

More information is available in our dedicated online Photo and Film directories.

Companies such as Graff Diamonds, Fiat, Sainsbury's, Nivea, Beefeater, Tesco, Coca-Cola, Apple, Harper’s Bazaar among others, have trusted these professionals with their latest advertising campaigns and editorial shoots.

Be sure to check out our featured events:

  • Hair by Sam Knight at Somerset House, until 12th March. A major exhibition celebrating his remarkable 40-year career, from the late 1970s to the current day - the first exhibition to contextualise the wider cultural significance of hair and the role of the session stylist within fashion.
  • Roger Mayne at The Photographers' Gallery from 3rd March. This exhibition is the first since 1999 to show the iconic work of the British photographer whose humanistic approach has influenced subsequent generations of photographers, and made a significant contribution to post-war British photography.

Our cover image was shot by Charl Marais for Fault Magazine. Charl is represented by Kayte Ellis Agency.