AOP Gallery

London - showcase_title_categories

The Association of Photographers presents the completed AOP Bursary 2006 winning project by photographer Spencer Murphy, 'Wastelands'. Reminiscent of childhood nuances discovered whilst exploring forbidden grounds, Murphy retraces his steps, engaging with his nomadic childhood sensations. The resulting images of waste sites in the UK take on an otherworldly quality, blending traditional notions of landscape with the aesthetic wasteland of modern man. The exhibition runs from 17 - 26 July 2007 at The AOP Gallery, London EC2.

For everybody with a love of photography, the AOPOPEN exhibition will launch the very best images online from 1 August, giving members of the public a chance to vote for their favourite image of 2007. It is one of the only major photographic competitions accessible to everyone: vivid, eclectic and full of imagination, it pushes the boundaries of contemporary photography through an exploration of its power and diversity.

The AOP Open exhibition will be held at the AOP Gallery, from 23 August to 26 September 2007. Winners will be announced at a prize giving on 24 August. Attendance is strictly by invitation only. To request an invitation, send an email to [email protected].