Recent news from Production Central is booking for feature film "Feel", starring Alec Baldwin and Kevin Corrigan. The entire film was based out of Production Central's Union Square location, with most of the interior scenes being shot there. An entire massage parlor set was built. They also used the PC, Avid and DVD facilities, and having everything on-site eliminated logistical complications.

Production Central's other clients include: Bravo, "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", Clairol, Miss Universe Foundation, The Corcoran Group, PBS, "In The Life", Vogue TV, Fuse TV, NY Magazine, Halstead, Amazon, Food Network, Crazy Eddie, Spike TV, Law & Order - Criminal Intent, Firefighters Union, Intel, Trident, American Cancer Society, J. Walter Thompson, Wells Fargo, and Mini Cooper.

They also rent high-end equipment like Digibeta, DVC-Pro 50,Beta-SP and DVCam.