Mitchel Gray

New York - photographers

Mitchel Gray is a photographer, videographer, and author. He has to his credit two best selling books, 'The Lingerie Book' and 'Lingerie Fantasies' (St.Martins Press), and has illustrated many more, particularly in the active lifestyle, health and fitness field.

He has photographed over 100 magazine covers and thousands of magazine, advertising, and web pages. The images featured in this Showcase are excerpts from the 'Bodies in Action' series, which is currently enjoying its second New York City gallery show this year (Salomonarts Gallery, 108 Leonard St. in Tribecca. Feb. 8-Feb. 22).

The series is designed to illustrate what the bodies of great athletes are actually doing while they are performing their sport, in a uniquely artful, dramatic, and informative style. It includes Olympians, professional athletes, and professional dancers (NYC Ballet and Metropolitan Opera).

There is a unique aspect to these photos – in each photo that appears to have two people in it, there is actually only the same person shot in opposition to themselves. This approach allows Mitchel to illustrate two sides of the same body in one frame, seamlessly and within the construct of the action.