
Welcome to the latest issue of Showcase Spain, brought to you by Production Paradise. We present the very best of the Spanish visual media industry, with more information available in our dedicated Photo and Film directories.

Take a look at our recommended events held in the upcoming months:

  • Changing Room - 30th June in Chic & Basic Barcelona. In each edition, Changing Room selects 25 international designers in a megastore open to the public only 10 hours every 6 months.
  • Photo España - Madrid from 6th June 6 to 22nd July. 315 artists will participate in 80 exhibitions in the XVth edition of PHE12 and it will include exhibitions from Robert Cappa, The Sartorialist, Chema Madoz and many others.

Our cover photo was shot by Kristina Fender represented by Enri Mur.