
Working in Spain and abroad, Almudena Madera Management represents:

Photographers: Txema Yeste, Rafa Gallar, Javier Salas, Jaime Gorospe, Steffen Schrägle and Nacho Alegre
Illustrators: Carmen García Huerta
Stylists: Amparo Utrilla and Marina Gallo

Recent projects include:

Editorials: Wallpaper, Glamour, GQ, EPS, Vanity Fair, View, Neo2, Woman, Cosmopolitan, Vanidad, AD, InStyle, Yo Dona, Hércules, Marie Claire, Pig and more...

Ad campaigns: Hoos Intropia (Txema Yeste), Punto Blanco (Rafa Gallar), Timotei (Javier Salas), Loewe (Jaime Gorospe), Mapfre (Steffen Schrägle), ADD (Nacho Alegre), TurEspaña (Txema Yeste) and Custo Barcelona (Carmen García Huerta), among others