Sun flares. Coldest weather in 100 years. Race car and a tank… yes, a tank! Talking to someone in space, or just listening in, but more on that later. Brian Garland does what he does because nothing is ever the same or easy! “That’s not cool, and we want cool!”

Brian thrives when skirting around the edges of what is comfortable, embracing the inevitable chaos that comes with a shoot, and combining a well-designed plan with the organic unfolding of a moment. Whether in studio or on location, still or motion, Brian is an innovator in lighting and capturing the essence of whatever it is that he is shooting... even a tank!

Brian Garland Productions provides a killer crew of creative problem solvers, experienced in all things. Together, Brian and his team try to always have a good time while pleasing not only the creatives and clients, but also what’s inside his head.