Born in 1975 near Honeyville, Utah, Skylar Nielsen learned how to work hard and conjure up stories to tell his grandmother while herding sheep. After an epiphany in the sheep corral he decided to move away from the family farm to seek big city opportunity. By chance and finding his true talent, photography turned out to be his passion.

As he took the quantum leap into his chosen field, those calloused lessons from his upbringing helped inform his prolific drive and 'outlaw' creativity, forging an artistic path that has led him everywhere from the harsh deserts of Zion to the bustling streets of India. With one foot planted in austere professionalism and another firmly in gonzo territory, Skylar strikes a balance between the kinetic and serene, producing work that is both visceral and reflective with a stable of clients that have included almost every automotive and transportation client imaginable, from the United States to Australia and beyond.

Skylar has furthered his career as a director, founding VitaBrevisFilms in 2008. The company has since become an internationally awarded and accredited film studio for its film-making talent.