Charlie Fawell has established a reputation over nearly 20 years for his fresh and creative approach to corporate and industrial photography, predominantly in the Annual Report sector.

From glossy close-up abstracts to locations both in the UK and further afield - ranging from the gritty onshore factory environment to offshore reportage of rigs and wind turbines - he elevates seemingly challenging subject matter by employing a graphic and uncluttered compositional style and a crisp, clean use of light.

With a firm belief in maintaining a healthy portfolio of safety skills, Charlie has recently added wind power in the form of the BWEA Offshore Wind Turbine Climbing Certificate to his repertoire of certifications, which include the OPITO BOS & FOET for the offshore oil and gas industry.

Recent clients include Centrica, Cosalt, Rexam, Smiths Group, and Tanfield, amongst many others.