Claudia Goetzelmann is a true citizen of the world. Born and raised in Germany, she lived in Africa, Indonesia and Singapore before moving to the USA seven years ago. She currently splits her time between San Francisco and New York.

Claudia has a fresh, unique approach to her photography, which focuses primarily on fashion and lifestyle. Her images are not the typical fashion style and are often quirkily unconventional, fun, and usually make you look a little bit closer. One of her recent advertising clients, Corbett Accel, asked her to shoot clothing made out of real flowers and weeds.

A frequent contributor to Zoo Zoom, in this Spotlight she shares one of her latest projects and some recent editorial work. Be sure to check newsstands for the latest issue of Brides featuring Claudia's fashion story shot in a fabulous Italian castle.

More of her work can be found on her website or via her agent.