"I was born in a town called Orkanger in Norway, the land of the northern lights and long winters. This is where I draw a lot of my inspiration from, with its incredibly dramatic scenery.

"After initially studying fashion for four years, I travelled the world for a year, eventually landing in Brazil. The warmth and sensuality of its culture and people had an immense impact on me, and I made it my home for several years. I learned Portuguese and discovered my own passion for photography, which eventually led me to San Francisco to study at the Academy of Art University.

"After graduation, I assisted various photographers and started pursuing stock and commercial work. In the past decade I have created high-end image collections for stock, and some of my clients include Gilead, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Vodafone, AT&T, and Warner Bros, while my work has appeared in prestigious photo publications such as Communication Arts, PDN, Graphis, APA Shows, and Graphic Design USA. Once a year the northern winds call upon me and I go back home and visit Norway, to feel the northern breeze and see the midnight sun."