Martin Girard’s photos lead one to the heart of the story. Through his mastery of photomontage and image processing, he has been able to develop a unique style, with a recognisable touch of humour, fantasy, and mystery. His mind is filled with clever tricks, he has a wonderful talent for creating singular atmospheres so much so that the backgrounds in his photos often become characters in their own right. Versatile and bold, he is well known for being intimately involved with his projects, from the idea stage to completion, making him an ideal team leader in the production of large-scale images.

Founding partner at Shoot Studio, one of the largest photo/video production house in Quebec, his work has garnered him many professional awards over the years: PDN, Archive, Young Guns, Communication Arts, and Applied Arts and more.

Clients include Dell, Bombardier, Capital One, Cirque du Soleil, Moment Factory, Nespresso, Nivea, Quebec’s Casinos and more.