Christian Lohfink is based in Hamburg and has been working as a freelance photographer out of his own studio since 1991.

He specialises in architecture, interior, still life, liquid, food, cosmetics and vintage car photography. Christian has worked for advertising agencies including Jung von Matt, McCann Erickson, TBWA, Kempertrautmann, Nordpol, Scholz & Friends and Grabarz & Partner.

Clients include Allianz, Coca-Cola, LBS, CMA, Die Bahn, Feinkost Käfer, General Mills International, Häagen-Daas, Ikea, Konika, Krombacher, Nivea, Schweppes, Konica, and many more.

Awards include: 2008 ADC Silver - IKEA (3D cover) Jung von Matt and ACT Agency, sales promotion; 2004 ADC Silver - Nivea (anti-shadow eye cream) TBWA, print ad; 2001 ADC Bronze - AMICA Magazine, design fashion series.

Christian is represented in Germany, Austria and Switzerland by PAM-Mirjam Böhm.