Liz Artindale is an experienced architectural and interiors photographer based in London, shooting digital, large format film and HD movies across all sectors in the UK and abroad.

She has recently shot for the ASK restaurant chain, the Petrie Museum in London, The Bildeston Crown Hotel in Suffolk, the Richard Ward salon in London (which, as Kate Middleton’s hairdresser, had a revamp before the royal wedding), and a project for the architects TP Bennett. Recent editorial clients include Good Homes in the UK and Maisons de Campagne in France.

Liz also finally went on a much-awaited trip to Japan, where she photographed three amazing houses in the Tokyo region and Nagoya before embarking on some sightseeing in central and western Japan, well away from the earthquake-damaged areas.

Liz also recently moved offices and her new contact details are available on her website.