Chris Bradley is a Chicago-based commercial photographer who specialises in architectural and interiors photography. He enjoys modernist design, trippy down-tempo electronic music, an excellent sandwich and his daughter Emma.

Chris also gets a kick out of making his clients smile broadly, which he does by bringing a combination of energy, wit and excellent imagery to his shoots. Most recently he made the art director in charge of a shoot for Cramer Krasselt laugh uproariously while shooting at a grocery store, by making a clever - if not slightly low-brow - pun about melons (honeydews, and they were in the shot).

Chris is not above picking the low hanging fruit to make a client smile. Other past clients have included Japanese furniture design firm Okamura, clothing supplier Trunk Club, and Vanity Fair Magazine. When not on a shoot, Chris spends his time picking up small, pink articles of clothing from the floor of his modernly styled apartment while reminding his daughter that she "really ought to be doing this herself!"