Kitao is a production company specialising in photography. The company is owned by producers and photographers who say they understand what it takes to produce an outstanding image.

At the latest Hellenic advertising festival, they won two Gold Ermies, three Silvers and a Bronze.

Clients speak very highly of the company, too:

  • T. Liarmakopoulos, Vice President JWT Thompson: 'I envy your work so much that I would like to be the one to do it.'
  • A. Kocheilas, General Manager, Bold / Ogilvy Athens: 'A famous photographer said that in a photograph there are always two people: the photographer and the viewer. Working with Kitao makes you realise the need for a third, the producer.'
  • Phil Poynter, Photographer, Davidoff Cool Water worldwide campaign: 'You did an amazing job under quite stressful conditions, and more importantly, you managed to produce all the equipment we asked for, when I know it is not readily available in Greece the way it is in New York. I really hope I get the chance to work with you again'.