Camino Media is an American-managed one-stop-shop providing photo, film and video location and production services across Spain and Portugal for commercial, viral, corporate, factual, editorial and entertainment productions.

Decades delivering local crew and services in most major cities for leading international production companies in all these genres uniquely equips Camino Media to produce cost-effective shoots for budgets big or small.

Transmedia to the core, Camino Media crew shoot film, 3D, HD video and still photography for agencies like Ogilvy & Mather, Dentsu, TBWA, and JWT; clients including Toyota, Yamaha, and BMW; Google, Microsoft and Intel; Adidas, Mizuno and Reebok; Ericsson, Nokia and Telefónica-O2; Sony, Canon and Siemens; Citibank, Barclays and JP Morgan; and Visa, Quiksilver and Red Bull.

Camino Media is a flexible partner in the sunniest corner of Europe. Send storyboard ideas and watch how the team makes it a cost-effective reality for any size screen.