Sicily Productions

Sicily, Sardinia & Puglia

Sicily Productions is a full-service production company based in Sicily and Sardinia. The company provides a premier service for all aspects of photography and moving pictures including budgets, location scouting and permitting, catering, travel arrangements and all other production needs.

The team is entirely dedicated to crafting a fantastic working environment, making things run smoothly form beginning to end.

The company specialises in Sicily and the Sicilian Islands, Sardinia, Puglia and Amalfi, which can all be accessed though an extensive online location database.

Specialising in fashion and advertising, Sicily Productions' clients include
Marks & Spencer, H&M, Panasonic, Monari, Poetry Fashion, Marie Claire, Annabelle Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Cellbes, Next London, Chico New York, Look Magazine, Otto Group, Ferrari Magazine, Sheego, Ellos, Josefsson, Brigitte Magazine, Sandwich, Texman DK, JD.Williams UK, Fabulous Magazine, and many more.

Contact Ruggero Catanoso direct on +39 347 688 1606 or visit the website for more information. Quotes can be handled within 24 hours.