Based in London, Dixcot Locations represents outstanding properties for filming and photographic shoots. They have a broad range of locations on their books, from slick modern apartments and beautiful period homes to boats and sporting venues.

With locations all over the UK and abroad they say that they are confident that they can meet all requirements and say that 'should you be after something that is not currently on our books, we'll find it for you'.

The agency is run from Dixcot, a location in itself. This imposing arts and crafts country-style house is huge (8000 square feet), with a mature 1.2-acre garden and is full of interesting period features.

Some of the company's clients include the BBC, Working Title Films, John Lewis, Debenhams, Laura Ashley and Ideal Home.

Browse for locations on their website, email Juliet or call +44 (0)20 8769 7144.