7 Seas Productions is Latin America! Over the last 15 years, 7 Seas has built up a niche market throughout the Americas with three strong countries: Cuba, Colombia and Argentina. Each country has its own office, local crew and staff, supervised by Chris Bengsch, head of 7 Seas Productions. Each country has its unique charms and unmistakable character regarding locations, contributing to 7 Seas' belief that Latin America is as rich in locations, as competitive in cost, and offers such great diversity that it easily competes with major South African, US and European locations. Except for New York...

Hand-picked human resources and an extensive location database are the most valuable assets for this veteran production house. Be it fashion or advertising, car productions or video, documentaries or TV features, 7 Seas pulls it together, in time, with the right budget, the right size, and the right crew.

Follow 7 Seas and the sun around the Spanish speaking world. This season's productions include the Coca-Cola company, Bonprix, JCrew, Conleys, Betty Barclay, Synsam, Gloss Magazine and - especially for Argentina - the personal work of the renowned Argentine photographer Andy Cherniavsky. The Cuban 7 Seas film house 'El Central' holds the contract for all Cuban and Central American Red Bull productions - the latest production being the 2014 Red Bull Cliff Diving Championship that used the famous El Morro Castle as a diving board. See the featured video.