Manmeet Bhatti has produced outstanding and visually stunning images across advertising, fashion and fine art. However, she experiences a different joy when shooting for kid’s brands - the unpredictability of children always leads to unexpected and magical results.

After the birth of her son, Manmeet discovered she had a full-time model on which to experiment. Shooting children took on a new meaning and she is a reservoir of patience, while being a mother herself makes her sensitive to a child’s perspective. She creates an environment of fun and lightness, helping to produce surprising, wonderful images.

Manmeet believes “You can’t force good work out of children, but you can create an environment in which they willingly contribute.”

Based in Mumbai, Manmeet has travelled across India as well as internationally for assignments. Her clients include Gini & Jony, Pantaloon, Westside, Economic Times, L'Oréal and Galaxy Chocolate, as well as magazines and editorials.