Michela Nale learned to appreciate art at a very young age; her years in high school were filled with excitement, curiosity and experimentation with various expressive forms of art, from real life drawing to painting and different design techniques. It was only when she came across photography that she felt that she was able to express herself to her fullest potential.

Merging her passion for photography and love for fashion, Michela found her niche in fashion photography. She feels like a courageous, free spirit, never looking back and living life without bonds. Her desire to never be bound to a specific location shows in her independence and craving for unending progression.

The models she chooses have their own personal expressiveness and character: “I am always behind the camera and that’s when my job is to make their beautiful figures and features, the harmony of colours and the cleanness of their poses stand out. There is only one moment when everything is perfect, that exact moment when the finger presses the shutter release button by itself, and it’s an incontestable impulse.”

Michela is one of the LPA Futures programme winners.