After completing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Art Center College of Design, David Hanover relocated to New York City to continue with his apprenticeship. After weighing a number of associate offers, he returned home to Los Angeles to build the foundation of his career in photography.

In the two years that followed, David continued his apprenticeship with Richard Noble in advertising and Peter Lindberg in fashion. Shortly thereafter, David had the foresight to create one of first celebrity-oriented rental studios in Los Angeles, The LA Lofts.

Photography being his lifelong passion, David turned his focus away from managing the studio to get back behind the camera. He landed his first national campaign with LA Gear, effectively launching his career in advertising. The campaign was a great success, capturing the attention of many, including Tony Stone who recruited David as a photographer to help build his initial image library.

Helping to establish what quickly became the # 1 stock collection in the world, David has since shot his way across the globe for several Fortune 500 companies in advertising, fashion and the corporate arenas.