Sublime Postproduction combines a sense for fine aesthetics with a passion for outstanding photography and a loving attention to detail. The company provides tailor-made professional services in the name of excellent photography, applying its sound knowledge in the field of visual arts to grant each of its technically perfect images a strong and unique impression.

The company focuses particularly on transportation, CGI, motion graphics, beauty and people.

Recent jobs include:

  • Davidoff with Armin Zogbaum, Select NY.
  • IAA, Sublime CGI, Dangerous.
  • SEAT, Det Kempke, Grey.
  • Rewe, Anke Luckmann, Scholz & Friends.
  • General Electric China, Sonja Müller, TBWA Shanghai.
  • Ford, Conrad Piepenburg, JWT Shanghai.

Clients include Manu Agah, Anke Luckmann, Anatol Kotte, Armin Zogbaum, Conrad Piepenburg, Blinkk, Magnus Winter, Sonja Müller, Det Kempke, Oscar van de Beek, Stefano Morini, McCann Erickson, Scholz & Friends, Atletico International, Grey Worldwide, DDB and Jung von Matt.