"It has been a busy year in the Mutton Bones camp and we’re excited to share our news and latest images with you. We’ve had ITV’s campaign for the Victoria series shot by fabulous portrait duo Billy&Hells. Still life photographer Graham Tooby has been rolling out great, bold British classics alongside some sharp, edgy retro clocks.

We’re awfully proud of Markku Lahdesmaki for winning the AOP Ad series with his campaign for San Diego Zoo shot through M&C Saatchi. Adrian has had commissions for Avon, Odlo and Invesco alongside launching new website images for Monaco footballer, Falcao.

Antosh Sergiew was commissioned by Esquire and GQ then brought out some funky new tests, whilst Veronique has been shooting for luxury Austrian clothing brand Frauenschuh as well as concentrating on her new exciting series all which is available to see on our MB website."