Sandro is an American portrait photographer known for his expressive images and his close work with John Malkovich and the other ensemble members of Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre Company.

At the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in July 2011, Sandro was acknowledged with a Saatchi & Saatchi 'Best New Director' award for his short video 'Butterflies' featuring John Malkovich. For the past five years, in juried competition within the industry, Sandro has been voted one of the top 200 advertising photographers in the world.

Sandro travelled to Morocco in November 2013 and shot portraits of 230 local tradesmen, nomadic people, snake charmers, fossil diggers, and Gnawa musicians.

In April 2014 Sandro spent three days photographing and filming John Malkovich for a collaborative project that will go public at the Catherine Edelman Gallery in Chicago in November 2014.