Jimmy Chin

Jackson Hole - New York

Few photographers will attempt Pakistan’s precipitous K7 or ski from the summit of Everest just to frame a shot. So when world renowned mountaineer, Ed Viesturs, pushes for the summit of his final 8000m peak, or when alpinist Conrad Anker plans to put up a new route in the Himalayas, they call the same photographer and film-maker: Jimmy Chin. Arguably one of the most sought after expedition photographers working today, Chin, a Minnesota native, is himself a professional climber, skier and ten year veteran of the North Face Athlete Team.

Jimmy’s passion for exploration, photography and film-making has taken him on break-through expeditions around the planet. Chin has worked with the best adventurers, climbers and skiers in the world on their most challenging expeditions, climbs and ski descents. Climbing, skiing and often enduring death defying situations next to some of the best athletes in the industry, Jimmy is best known for shouldering the camera equipment and documenting their epic stories.

Jimmy is represented by New York City based RXR Sports.