Joan Gonzalez

Barcelona - Directors & DOPs

"I love my job, and I consider myself a lucky person. It was not easy getting here but the effort was definitely worth it! My professional career began in Mallorca working at various international production companies. Some years later, I moved to Barcelona where I studied  Direction of Photography while working as a gaffer. Passing through the lighting department to become D.o.P. is hard but light is what builds a good photograph. It also gave me the opportunity to work with some true masters of cinema.

This experience ended in 2010 with 20 films and dozens of commercials and music videos to my name. My work as a cinematographer included genres as diverse as advertising, documentary, short films and feature films - and in all formats (35mm, Super 16mm, HD, Epic, etc.). Some of these subsequently received various awards.

I love facing challenges with a positive attitude, looking for creative solutions to facilitate the work of everyone."