Buenos Aires - Photo Production & Location Scouts

Pose-It provides a full range of photo shoot production services and support, including location scouting, casting, and top quality equipment across Argentina, Uruguay and Chile.

The company recently provided service to Agency ‪KK Outlet (UK) with photographer Dirk Rees for Pampero, Arva Image (France) with photographer Letizia Le Fur and Eugenio Mazzinghi for BNP, Taxi (Canada) with photographer Juan Mathe for Reitmans, BBDO (USA) with photographer Christian Weber for Mobil 1, and Dow (USA) with photographer Dan Denardo for DOW.‬‬

Clients choose Pose-It because of high standards from bidding to wrap, its highly qualified and multilingual crew, its knowledge of the customs and laws of each country, and the fact that it is able to handle large productions within reasonable and well-executed budgets - but also, and most importantly, productions with very small budgets.

"We can adapt ourselves to serve our clients with large crews, as well as fixers for tight projects."