Crocodile Factory

Rome - Photo & Film Production

Italy is much more than an endless number of astonishing locations for photography. All of the regions have their own peculiarities: dialect, cuisine, history, traditions and culture.

The Mediterranean is the cradle of civilization, and Sicily is the pearl of the Mediterranean. Tuscany is the home of Renaissance art and architecture. Puglia is a treasure trove of art, history, and nature. The Amalfi Coast, with Positano and Sorrento, one of the most beautiful itineraries in the world, has unique scenery designated by bays, inlets, cliffs and small villages engrafted onto the mountain. Rome is Rome: monumental, glorious, magnificent, imperial, ecclesiastical, eternal.

Crocodile Factory has been producing photography for advertising, fashion and editorial clients for 15 years. It specialises in finding the perfect location to fit every creative need and budget. The company handles all logistic solutions involved in a photo production, including  estimating, location sourcing and scouting, shooting permits, negotiations, casting, styling, hair and make-up, photo assisting, props, crew transportation, hotels, catering, meals, production equipment, lighting and grip equipment. English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian are fluently spoken.