Addict Studios offers 500 m² of studio workspace with facilities including natural light, two a face cove, 100 KW power, 5-7m ceiling height, 25m shooting range, vehicle entrance, free parking at the door, rest and meeting areas, a fully equipped independent make-up and styling area, air conditioning, water shooting facilities, catering services, a fully equipped kitchen and free breakfast, experienced crews, free 12MB Wi-Fi and an iMac G5. Equipment rental includes Profoto, Arri, Kinoflo and digital backs from Hasselblad (H3DII 31/39), PhaseOne (P45 plus), and Canon Mark II – Mark III and Canon 5D Mark II.

Recent work includes Ford, Audi A7, Yodona, Vanidad, Telva Magazine, EP3, Gioseppo and Universal Music.

Special shoots in Addict Studios include collaborations with Eugenio Recuenco, Rankin, Ale Burset, Rafa Gallar, Txema Yeste, Gonzalo Puertas, Sergi Margalef,  Diver & Aguilar, Gary Prior, Bruno Dayan, Scott C., Nagi Sakay, Juan Gatti, Joan Alsina, Carlos Alsina and Juanluis Real.

Visit the website for more information about equipment, rates and special offers.