Luminosa Production GmbH

Zurich - Full Service Production

Luminosa Production GmbH is a full service production company based in Zurich since 1999. The company produces for advertising, fashion and corporate industries across photography and video production.

Luminosa Production was commissioned this year with a big project by Migros Switzerland to take 100 pictures for its shops. It took almost 40 days of shooting in more than 42 different locations in and around Zürich, involving some 147 models. Luminosa Production took care of castings, scouting and global organisation.

Other clients include brands COOP Zeitung, UBS, Zürich Versicherungen, Helvetia Versicherungen, Mini, BMW, Friday Magazine, Globus, Manor, Charles Vögele, Ansons, Jake*s Bogner, Mac Jeans, Mr Porter, and many more.