LS Productions

London - Manchester - Edinburgh - Malta - Full Photo & Film Production and Services

LS is a global production partner providing expert knowledge on commercials, film and TV, music videos, fashion and sports projects. Their team of creative collaborators and problem-solvers work across the UK from production hubs in Edinburgh, Manchester and London, and a warm water location in Malta. 

At LS, they work hard to go beyond the expected to make brilliant things for brilliant people. The team are experts at what they do and have recently worked with Ed Sheeran, Cristiano Ronaldo, Stanley Tucci, Valentino, Aston Martin, Conde Nast and more.

LS are ready for what’s next. Their location department of seven is always scouting the UK for the next best shoot setting and beyond this search there is an expansion into Malta.

The team at LS Productions is available to produce your next project anywhere across the UK and beyond. View their recent work here or say hello.