Alexandra Tremaine is a graduate of the Brooks Institute of Photography, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Photography with a concentration in advertising. She lives in the mountains of Mexico in a 16th Century city, San Miguel de Allende, with her daughter and two dogs.

Whether it’s people, architecture or travel she is shooting, it is the connection with the subject, playing with the surroundings, and waiting for the perfect light that gives Alexandra’s images the energy they emote.

Loving the unexpected on a shoot and being flexible when something doesn’t go as planned is what sets Alexandra apart. She requires high-tech equipment, uses her intense education as her back-up, never sees a challenge she doesn’t embrace, and works until she has accomplished her goals.

Relying on her innate “feel for light”, an uncanny ability to discover novel and natural settings, and her childlike view of the world, her work has a fresh and unforgettable tone.