on humanity

Apr 2020

"My pictures are about people, a story, and emotions. That's why my work can be used perfectly for my fellow human beings in addition to my job. I want to give something back, create added value. Be it on my assignments for Dein-Sternenkind, where I take the first and last photo of these children for their parents. Or for Hamami, which I have now accompanied to Cameroon for the second time to document the efforts of the doctors and to show a small portrait of the people in Cameroon.

As difficult as the pandemic will be for many, it will hopefully bring some good things with it. Be it our new willingness to help for our fellow human beings, or a reflection on the values that we may have forgotten in our fast everyday life.

The latest projects were for Hansano, TUI Robinson Club, Spardabank, and KWS Saat.