The Roost is one half of a unique pair of location houses for the film and photographic industry. With approximately 5500 sq ft of working space set over four floors and a walled garden it is packed with an eclectic range of furniture from the 1930‘s through to the present day.
Room sets are totally flexible regarding paint colour and dressing. Ceiling heights are between 10 ft. and 15 ft. daylight is excellent windows on three sides. The location is supported by a further 3500 sq.ft. of storage space devoted to modern classical furniture from 'Deco to Disco'. Here we supply props to the industry and clients are welcome to choose pieces to take to the Perch or Roost for shoots at no extra cost. Overnight/weekend storage is not a problem. We are situated only 20 minutes from the west end of London with good transport facilities and free parking. There are no restrictions on filming times, extent of dressing or overtime.