Gareth Morgans has had another busy year working within editorial, book publishing, design and advertising fields. Clients have included M&S, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Morrisons, Heinz, Neff, Co-Op, Kikkoman and Schwartz. Editorial titles have included Olive, Sainsbury's, Good Food and The Daily Mail's Weekend magazine.

He has just completed photography for Jo Pratt's 'In the Mood for Entertaining', published by Penguin and due to be released in June.

Gareth shoots digitally from his north London garden studio or out on location. His work has a beautiful light graphic quality and he always endeavours to make his shoots a wonderful experience for clients in order to achieve the best possible results. Check his website for a selection of testimonials from past and present clients.

Gareth is represented by his agent Beth Wightman.