In this Spotlight Phil features six campaigns:

"Argos wanted a colourful and quirky image, so Phil suggested the eclectic wallpaper background.

We were asked by UCB Pharmaceutical to focus on the question of the next generation ‘making a difference’. Phil hand made the cube and had it painted in the UCB corporate colours. Phil and Jon came up with the idea of the cube being lit from inside to achieve the mesmerising glow.

Phil was asked by Cow&Gate to depict a happy, healthy baby in a non-specific interior environment looking ready to take on the world. "The casting for our star talent was achieved over two days. Our toddler smashed it!

Kiddylicious, founded by Sally Preston, approached us with the sole aim of looking to explode into the healthy snack market. Inspired by comics as a boy, Phil came up with the idea of using bold colours reminiscent of 70’s ads with an element of mischief, fun and style to the brand message.

For Sainsbury's, Spark asked us to create soft lighting with a hint of sunlight while maintaining a warm believable environment with props, with the emphasis on baby feeling comfortable and protected in an engaging image for their packaging.

For Walls we created a series of ads for their print campaign using bold primary colours.”